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Lesley Aitchison's - Derbyshire selection

Maps, Plans, Manuscripts, Documents, Engravings, Ephemera, etc.

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Tel:- (0117) 9076899

A selection of :- Derbyshire Acts of Parliament
When ordering from this list please note item No, and brief description.
Measurements for maps, engravings, etc are given depth x width.

  1. Alfreton LETTER from Caleb Watson, Financial Agents, Liverpool. On headed paper, to an unknown correspondent, advising him about a Colliery which is for sale, and giving details of cost, location, production, type of engines '20 inch Cylinder good vertical winding Engine at original pit's mouth also 15 inch winding and pumping Engine...' etc. 2p., 8vo, in a small hand. 18th June, 1873. £15.00
    'It now produces 350 tons weekly... the soft part of which is useful for house Coal and the hard is much in demand in the neighbourhood for Steam purposes'.

  2. Board of Health MAP OF THE BOROUGH OF DERBY With Portions of Darley, Litchurch and Little Chester, Surveyed by the Board of Ordnance for the Local Board of Health. A.D. 1852. Three sheets of the four sheets which comprised the whole of the city, being the N.W., N.E., S.W. sheets. Lithographed plans, with hand colouring. The N.W. sheet has a large decorative title, with small city coat of arms, and covers Windmill Hill Lane, Markeaton Park, Duffield Road; N.E. sheet has large compass rose top right, and covers Race Course, River Derwent, Chaddesden Hill, Little Chester; S.W. sheet has Reference Table, giving key, including brick and stone buildings (coloured pink), wooden buildings (shaded grey), letters for face of wall, centre of wall, etc., and scale bars in feet and chains. This sheet covers The Firs, County Gaol, Brickyards, Temple House. All sheets are 26" x 39", edges bound with green tape. On two sheets there are three old sellotape marks in top margin. 1852. £160.00
    Scarce. Shows water features, field outlines with hedges, areas with trees, garden plots, boundaries, boundary stones, manufactories, breweries, chemical works, brickyards, etc. The Board of Health Series was the most detailed mapping by the Ordnance Survey. It covered towns of more than 4,000 people. The mapping was prompted by concerns over public health, and the outbreaks of cholera and typhus. The Poor Law Commissioners recommended the mapping of towns as it would encourage sanitary measures to prevent epidemics of infectious diseases, the maps showing features such as drainage, manholes, water supply, detailed layout of industrial buildings etc. The scale was 10ft. to a mile.

  3. Clegg (Ernest), Designed and drawn by DERBYSHIRE Dedicated to the Rt. Hon. Tom Williams, M.P. Decorative map in bright colours, size 20" x 15", plus margins, on thick paper. Decorative title, views of Kedleston Hall, Chatsworth, Haddon Hall, etc., around the edge. With extract from Churchill's speech at a Parliamentary Secret Session June 25, 1941, and badge of Sherwood Foresters. On the map are indicated products such as Coal, Lime, Sugar Beet, etc. Around the margins are some crosses, and some ink writing along the top edge. The actual map is untouched. 1946. £25.00
    These maps were designed by Clegg to raise money for the Women's Land Army Benevolent Fund.

  4. Measham VALUABLE PROPERTY at Measham To Be Sold by Auction by B. Cheatle & Son... June 4th, 1847... Poster, size 9" x 11", folds. Describes 2 Lots, comprising four houses fronting the Cross in Measham, with four others in the yard at the back. Gives occupiers. 1847. £20.00

    DERBYSHIRE Manuscripts, Maps, Engravings, Ephemera, etc.
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  5. North Staffordshire & Mid-Derbyshire Railway A BILL For making new Railways in the County of Derby and for other purposes. 22pp., small folio. Folded vertically with docket title. 1898. £14.00

  6. Ripley LETTER from J.S. Fletcher, Codnor, 1st Jany. 1817 to William Hunter at Kilbourn. 37 lines over 3p. 4to. On verso is address panel, remains of wax seal. Apologises for not being able to send the rent 'I cannot get any Money from any One qurter as the Canal is all Stop by Frost we have not one shilling coming in from that quarter and cannot pay our men wages our men have not had one shilling for the last fortnights work... I am at this time under three arrests and Given Bail... if it was not for Mr Kirkland I might have been in jail...' It has been folded and docketed. 1817. £55.00
    Presumably the James Fletcher who was involved with the coal mine at Ripley, where there is a Fletcher Street. The canal would be the Cromford Canal. Hunter was Lord of the Manor and owned Kilburn Hall.

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Tel:- (0117) 9076899

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